
Facilitamos en los estudiantes el desarrollo de habilidades académicas iniciales en las áreas cognoscitiva, lingüística, socio emocional y físico, a través de un ambiente de aprendizaje estimulante con una perspectiva constructivista enfocada a una metodología de aprendizaje activo y cooperativo.


At this level the emphasis is given to the progress of the communicative competence in children and special attention is paid to the instruction and development of literacy skills. This is done in an immersion learning environment that integrates all the developmental areas of the child and in which the English language is the means of communication.





Cumplidos al 1 de agosto

Captura de Pantalla 2019-10-06 a la(s) 21.28.30.png
Captura de Pantalla 2019-10-06 a la(s) 21.25.13.png
Captura de Pantalla 2019-10-06 a la(s) 22.20.57.png